Today I went on a tour of Florence's Duomo. It was given by Laura, one of the cute Italian teachers at our school, LDM, who spoke only in Italian!
The duomo (duomo is italian for cathedral) is a massive building in the center of town directly across from the baptistery. The facade was made in the 15th century after the neo gothic style and inside the ceiling has high, but rounded arches which are meant to draw your attention to the altar and back of the cathedral.
The most amazing feature of the Duomo is Bruneleschi's dome which is huge and has an incrediblly realistic picture of the different levels of heaven and hell. When you look up you almost think the bodies might actually fall on you. Bruneleschi also designed the stained glass window depicting Mary in the front and he was buried beneath the old main entrance to the Cathedral.
Another intriguing work in the Duomo was a picture of Dante's divine comedy when you walk in on the left. Although Dante was often at odds with the church, the duomo was once a place where many cultural events were held. In religious places like this, the works of Dante and other great Italian writers would be read to the masses.