Today I went to the Piti Palace and the Boboli Gardens. The Piti palace is incredibly ornate and filled with the masterpieces of Fra De Lippi, Raphael, and Titian.
Lippi's work was one of the first circular paintings of the Renaissance. It was awash with gemotrical lines to create the right perspective.
Most of the artists portrayed different pictures of Mother Mary with Jesus. My favorite was the one where Saint Anne/Elizabeth tickles baby Jesus. Most of these pictures use triangles(like Da Vinci) to create order.
Titian's man was very imposing. He had gray/bluish eyes that seemed to look right at me. In fact, most of the images seemed to be looking out or sticking out, like Raphael's mother who rests her arm along the bottom of the frame.
After the palace there was the Bobboli gardens. It was quite a trek to the top but the view was pretty impressive. I could see the Duomo and Bargello. The gardens were incredibly expansive and steep, but I would love to go back if I have a chance. There was one really cool cave which had a number of images coming out of the walls (la giotta? unfinished Michelangelo sculpture?)I suppose they were made of sandstone, but they were frightening. In the middle was a marble statue of a man grabbing a protesting woman's hair.