Today was another very laid back day with little to report. I'm still getting over a minor cold and spent most of my time reading and chatting with my international block mates.
I did go with the Villanova group on a tour of the surrounding region. We each paid a Euro, hoped on the #7 bus, and took it until it returned us to the center of town. Our professor gave us a rundown of all the beautiful places we were driving past. He told us where the best places are to hike, or explore. The surrounding towns are beautiful, but scarcely populated and everything was still covered in snow. I hope I will have the opportunity to take the bus some weekend when it's warmer and just explore the absolutely stunning countryside.
On a side note, I also indulged myself by purchasing a scarf, but not just any scarf, a covered scarf (una sciarpa carpuccio). With this cold I was in desperate need of a scarf but I held off until I saw this bright orange one in town. Not only is it colorful and warm, but it has a kind of hoody attached to the top which I can pull over my head. I love hoodies and was in need of a scarf so perche no?
Enough, I also figured out my mailing address if anyone cares to know where in Urbino I am, or wants to send anything. I'm at:
Via Gian Carlo de Carlo 07
Tridente 3/512
Urbino 61029