Today I ran up to the top of Piazza San Michelangelo. The view was spectacular! When we finally arrived we could see the last remnants of a beautiful rainbow. You could see the entire city, the Arno river and see the major edifices. The dome of the Duomo was the most visible and easily recognizable landmark.
Next, I went with the other Villanova students to the Bargello. The Bargello is a magnificent sculpture museum right down the street from our apartment. It has many great works including sculptures by Michelangelo, Donatello, and Verrochio. I managed to sneak into a tour group and we learned about the progression of the David sculpture. Donatello was the first to paint him nude and he shows him standing over the head of Goliath. Donatello's St. George was the symbol of Florence until Michelangelo David's came around(which was incredible). On the third floor was Verrochio's david, which showed him clothed once again, but stepping past goliath's head.
After this, we headed over to the Academia where Michelangelo's David is held. Giambogini also had a number of interesting works. The rape of the Sabine women is everywhere and it is the first thing you see when you walk in the door. In addition to David, there was an intstrument section. This was the first time I was able to visualize the difference between a piano and a harpsichord.
The harpsichord plucks the string on the way up, but goes silently back down because the feather bends the other way. The sound quality is bright and cheery.
However in the lates 1600s the pianoforte was invented by a hiree of the Medice. Although the piano uses a hammer, it has 3 parts which rise in unison. The strings then reverberate until the mallet is released at which point, the dampener returns to its position on the string.
Before heading beack to my room I took a detour to two beautiful churches. The first was Michelangelo's church and the second was the church of Santa Croce, which overlooks a larage piazza.
Oh, we also went to the accademia and saw Michelangelo's David, along with some of his unfinished artworks. This makes 3 of 4- Donatello 1430, Verrocchio 1470, Michelangelo 1501-4, Bernini 1623). This David is simple yet huge. He hasn't faced Goliath yet, like Donatello's, but he is getting ready to take ont the world. The left arm is against his side so the weight doesn't fall off. Michelangelo did a good job.
Also in the academia is Giambologna's plaster Rape of the Sabines(1582) this was his final exam, and in the other main room their are numerous busts from other famous artists' final exams.