This was the last and best day of the Trip by far! Early in the morning we boarded a bus in Sorrento for the famed Amalfi Coast. The Bus ride was breathtaking in every sense of the word. The view of the surrounding countryside and water was incredible, but so to was how tight the turns were. Every time the bus driver rounded a corner he honked his horn twice to alert anyone coming from the other direction to watch out. Luckily, we made it there and back in one piece.
Our first stop was Positano, a beautiful little beach town as you can see from the pictures. I couldn’t get over how cool all the buildings looked, stacked right into the face of the cliff. After taking a million pictures, eating some sandwiches (which we had bought earlier from the same deli) and just enjoying the warm weather we boarded the bus again and continued to the end of the route.
Amalfi was heavily touristed, but beautiful. Rob, with the help of Rick Steves, found a hiking trail which showed us some of the most beautiful countryside I’ve ever seen. At the start of the trip I found the perfect walking stick- it was a sign. And not half an hour later in an abandoned cave I found an incredible cowboy hat which was to complete my outfit. I won’t talk more about the beauty, because you can see it in the pictures, but I’d just like to point out that after we took those pictures from the top of the mountain we had a lot of fun trying to figure out how to get back down. Fortunately, after taking some very sketchy paths we made it back before sundown.
I’m glad I made it back, because this was barely the start of my adventures…