I’m going to talk less and put up more pictures. The brief narrative:
We’re not technically in Sorrento, but the town from that. It’s a youth hostel with 10 people to a very large room.
In the morning we went to a Mass and then strolled through the touristy center of town. We managed to find a deli in the back of a grocery which sold us incredible salami and mozzarella sandwiches for only 2 Euros. Sorrento is famous for its mozzarella and the food definitely lived up to its reputation.
After lunch, we went to the Larrotti ruins. It was really cool and ruiny! Hundreds of years old and overlooking the sea it offered some of the best land for hiking and sightseeing. Later in the afternoon, we trudged back and spent most of the remainder of the day because pretty much everything was closed. The public transportation had stopped by 12. The Italians take their holidays pretty seriously.