Not much to report over here for Saturday. However, after receiving several hundred hints (thanks Mom and Nicole) I have decided to try to do something radically new with my writing. Proofreading! I think it mite b a good id!
Sunday morning, at five o’clock, I boarded a bus for Venice. 5 hours and 1 packed train later I was in the midst of a massive sea of masked humanity. The costumes were incredibly elaborate and ornate. They ranged from the frightening (long nosed freaks) to the adorable (little babies dressed as kangaroos.) There were several different shows going on across the city and I’d like to say we purposely from event to event, but the reality was we were completely lost majority of the day and we mostly followed the crowd. In fact, we did not have much choice, because all the roads in Venice are really 5 feet wide alleys and it is not easy to squeeze past a fat Italian and his wife who is wearing an elaborate dress for Carnevale.
Despite, or perhaps because of, our aimlessness we did stumble upon several exciting acts. There was the best costume contest, fighting insects (30 feet tall) and 2 fire acts. The second fire act was huge and entailed a bare chested French men throwing fire across the stage while the women balanced it on their heads.
When it was time to leave, we got miserably lost and ran through the streets screaming “dove e la stazione?” the whole time terrified we would miss our train. Well, we did miss it; however, there was a later train which took us out of the city to our bus, which waited an extra half an hour for the tardy American contingent. Viva USA!