Wow, it's been a while since I've been able to update this. I'd like to say it's because of all the homework. Well, we'll just leave it at that, although the arrival of my long awaited ping pong paddles was stupendous...
Wednesday I went back to tango. It snowed again and the roads were terrible, but that did not deter the owner, Robert, from picking me up. It was a lot of fun and I learned some new phrases in Italian namely; "could we try that again!" I also got a history lesson regarding the origin of Pizza. Roberto is from Naples, where the first Margherita pizza was born.
Thursday was all classes and a bit of ping pong. Normally my art history class has three people. Thursday 2 skipped. It was a very interesting three hour class! Friday more classes.
Oh, I do have some interesting pics. One is all my roomates. From left to right we have the the French, Swiss, American, Chinese, Lebonese, Albanian, Italian (Ravena). We were missing another Italian.